Hello and welcome to Ask the Professors! We can answer any question so don't be shy! Send it in. Here are some of the questions from this week:
Letter #1. Subject: Chlorine. From: a dog in Virginia. Pinky,
I read somewhere that the tap water in Virginia has chlorine in it, which I read somewhere else is bad for us. Now I use a special filter which is supposed to remove 99% of the chlorine. I run my water through the filter three times, which should get rid of almost 300% of the chlorine. Is that good enough?
Excellent question! I mostly drink from puddles and I can't read, so I don't really know anything about filters. Plus I don't think reading is really good for a dog, so I don't recommend it unless you are a border collie. And even then maybe only read comic books or maps if you need to go somewhere. But anyway, about the water, my assistant Chile sometimes drinks from the toilet, and she seems to think that tastes pretty good. I am not really tall enough to drink from the toilet, unfortunately, so I can't say whether it's good from my own personal experience. But Chile has good taste and she eats a lot of different things, so she probably knows. If you are having problems with the water you are currently drinking, we recommend switching to puddle water (if you are short like me and Buster) or toilet water (if you are tall like Chile). Thanks for writing! Love Pinky.
Letter #2. Subject: Mister Two. From: Molly
Buster, I have a 1989 Toyota MR2. It's classic! I can't decide whether to buy new tires and get it painted or trade it in for a BMW or Lexus. What do you think?
Excellent question! Trade it in right away. You can hardly fit your head out the window of those MR2s. And once you hit highway speeds, the aerodynamics will make your ears flap so hard you get headburn (at least on a dachshund). Thanks for writing, Love Buster.
Letter #3. Subject: Cats. From: A reader in California
Dear Pinky and Buster, I feel very bad. I am a husky dog who was just adopted from a shelter by a nice new family. They are very nice. They have two nice little kitty cats, and I attacked one of the nice kitty cats. I didn't mean to attack it, I just couldn't control myself. What can I do to keep from attacking harmless kitties in the future?
Excellent question! Luckily Pinky does not have a problem with attacking kitty cats. She just ignores them. But anyway she recommends taking obedience. She has learned a lot from obedience. Obedience helps you get self-control. Also if you are from the shelter you need to learn not to be too hard on yourself. Buster knows about this because he came from the shelter and sometimes he has problems with kitty cats or with being insecure. You have to adjust to your new home. You have to tell yourself, "Hey, this is my new home for real and I will be staying here forever and I don't have to be insecure that I will go back to the shelter." So then you can relax and learn new skills and not be insecure. And remember, keep trying! If you can just improve a little tiny bit every day, eventually you will get there! Thanks for writing! Love Buster and Pinky.